As debates around school reopening plans continue, Edstruments is here to keep you informed about the fiscal realities affecting each state's K12 decision-making. Have an update? Leave a link in the comments below, and we'll add it ASAP!

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(All statistics and bullet points refer specifically to K12 education unless otherwise stated)
Gov. Ivey reduced her proposed budget by $500M
$7.2B education budget passed, albeit with a smaller increase than originally planned
Budget covers K12, Comm. College, and universities
Gov. planned for 6% increase, only passed a 1% increase (equal to $91M)
(Source from 5/6)
increases in FY 2021 budget possible because of conservative spending in past years
$4.9B in budget goes to K12
3% pay raise for teachers was cut
(Source from 5/5)
Will receive $170M in funds, mostly to be used on health, tech devices (Source from 7/20)
Lower oil prices had state in trouble before pandemic, oil pays 90% of Alaska’s bills and has dropped 75% since pandemic began
Budget passed during pandemic was “generally a win” for public-ed
Gov. Dunleavy vetoed $30M in state K12 funding, saying it could be covered with CARES Act, questions about if that is true
Alaska DoE spent $525k on virtual learning license from Florida
(Source from 6/11)
$3.14B for children (33.4% of operating budget), $1.87B of that money is K12 (Source)
Alaska is 49th out of 50 states in Education according to Casey Foundation (Source)
Projecting $882M budget shortfall in FY21 (15% decline) (Source from 7/1)
Budget shortfall of $190M in the fiscal year that ends this month
Potential budget shortfall of $518M in fiscal year starting in July (total shortfall of $708M by end of FY21)
Received $1.4B in CARES Act funds
(Source from 6/19)
Gov. Ducey announced schools slated to open, but education funding is a function of student attendance, so lack of attendance would be damaging (Source)
AZ schools will divide $270M, schools will have 98% of aid they had last year regardless of enrollment changes (if guardians don’t send their kids back in person)
$40M to close digital divide, $20M to curb learning loss, $6M in teacher prep
(Source from 6/25)
$129M From CARES Act for school relief (Source from 6/24)
FY 2020 budget for public school fund cut by 5.5% to $2.1B on March 23 (Source from 4/16)
Admin expects to use money on remediation, digital divide, counselors, and nurses (Source from 4/24)
State ended with $630M more than expected, will not cut K12 budgets
Restoring $121M in expected cuts to public school fund
(Source from 6/30)
New budget will preserve K12 funding, prevent teacher layoffs
Gov. Newsom expects enough funding for schools to reopen in Fall
Prop 98 expected to decrease to $70B (down from $84 proposed in Jan.)
Newsom rescinded 8% cut and now issuing $12B in deferrals (will only use $6B if HEROES Act passes)
$2.8B in CARES Act funding to be spent on learning loss for high-needs groups
(Source from 6/23)
$202B budget keeps K12 funding intact, additional provisions for learning loss funds, special-ed, pension relief, and funding stability
No coronavirus liability protections explicitly mentioned
(Source from 7/1)
$510M in CARES Act fund for K12,
state still plans to spend 15% less next year
Avg. per-pupil spending will decrease 5%
(Source from 6/15)
School finance act cuts average per-pupil spending by 5% (now, expenditure ~$8,000)
Districts planning pay freezes, furloughs, layoffs
Cutting funds for constructions, social workers, dropout prevention
(Source from 6/28)
As schools reopen, it will cost the average school district about $1.8 million to make social distancing possible (Source from 6/23)
State will receive $111M in aid ($99.9M for districts, $11.1M for state), educators worried not enough will go towards learning recovery
State budget is stable for rest of fiscal year (rainy-day fund more than covers $530M deficit)
Gov. Lamont expects FY21 (starting 7/1/2020) could see $1B erased from finances
Expert expects funding will be used to close budget gaps, not provide additional programs for students
(Source from 4/24)
State DOE has 4 stated priorities: close digital divide; accessible curriculum; addressing learning gaps and safely reopening schools; socio-emotional support
(Source from 5/14 press release)
Will distribute $99M in CARES Act funds to help with reopening (Source from 6/25)
Gov. DeSantis intends to make heavy cuts from $93.2B budget passed in March
State revenues short of March and April estimates by $1.8B
Still passing teacher pay raise (FL was ranked 46/50 in teacher salary)
(Source from 6/24)
Much of budget still unknown, but likely to have a huge budget shortfall (79% of Florida’s revenue came from sales tax)
Fl received $724.4M for K12 schools to be distributed proportionally based on Title I, $171.5M for emergency relief for most impacted schools
(Source from 4/10)
Gov. DeSantis "largely left education alone," maintained $500M for teacher raises
(Source from 6/30)
No budget increase for K12 spending (but inflation effectively means a cut compared to FY20)
Total K12 spending increasing by 0.14% ($12.79M) when outside grants are included
Since 2000, spending on pensions has increased 200%, and spending in-classrooms rose 20%
IL has higher admin spending costs relative to Wisconsin, Iowa and Indiana
(Source from 6/17)
Gov. Pritzker announced $108M in COVID relief (Source from 7/14)
No cuts in K12 education, $7.5B spending plan for 20-21 school year remains
Full-funding regardless of in-person or remote (they will waive existing state laws for this)
New biennial budget beginning to be drafted in January
(Source from 6/17)
Gov. Holcomb announced $61M in education relief funds (Source from 6/22)
52% of state general fund goes to K12 schools, Kansas expecting $653M budget shortfall (8% revenue decline)
Very education friendly gov. (Laura Kelly) but said cuts to K12 are not out of the question
Because Kansas Supreme Ct. requires certain funding, some things can’t be cut, so others will likely be cut more (like admin tech potentially)
Recommendations for CARES Act funding coming out in early July
(Source from 6/10)
No cuts, expecting it will take $490/student to reopen safely (Source from 7/1)
Received 4% of annual ed budget from CARES Act ($223M), $193.2M specifically for K12
90% of the 193.2M distributed thru Title I formula, has much flexibility
(Source from 4/24)
Ky Dept of Ed is cutting 1% of its own budget ($3M) before June 30 (end of FY 20)
Bearing the costs by not filling vacant positions
Expecting more cuts if more federal funding doesn’t come in
(Source from 5/7)
Only state that experienced large protests in 2018 that saw decreased state funding in 2019
(Source from March 19)
School now opening 9/9 (Source from 7/15)
2000 educator layoffs already (Source from 6/23)
Expecting deep budget cuts
1/5 households lacked tech, so Dept. of Ed. requesting $250M to close digital divide
No updates yet otherwise on budget, but article makes it seem like the funding is more investment than they’d ever have been able to access otherwise
(Source from 6/11)
State received $170M in CARES funds, Gov. Reeves vetoed budget (Source from 7/21)
K12 schools getting 40% less from the state in June 2020
State revenues down 6% compared to last year when they had planned for increases
(Source from 6/1)
No new info as of 7/24
K12 schools received $65M from Ed stabilization fund (Source from 5/27)
Ed commissioner had pay freeze b/c they don’t know budget (Source from 6/5)
Lawmakers awaiting forecast, property tax/school finance bill is under debate
Lawmakers in favor believe Nebraska overrelies on property taxes (Source from 7/22)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
Half of $7.6B spending plan is for public schools, most from petroleum which collapsed
Overall spending could still increase as state taps emergency reserves
Court case against Gov. Lujan Grisham about inequitable education in progress
(Source from 6/18)
Cutting 0.6% from school budget (Source from 6/26)
New York
All but 5 of 388 proposed school district budgets passes
Gov. Cuomo said cuts of up to 20% are possible, hasn’t given details
(Source from 6/17)
NYC schools received federal relief, but Gov. Cuomo cancelled it out with state cuts
High poverty schools (NYC), more hurt by budget cuts than wealthy districts (Scarsdale)
low-income districts lost funding when they have to spend more to close digital divide
(Source from 5/4)
Cuomo waiting on federal aid, if none expecting $2.3B in K12 cuts (Source from 7/16)
North Carolina
State leaders need $427M to begin 8-year plan to improve public education, but expecting $4B budget shortfall (Source form 6/17)
Unclear whether their plan for reopening was made with knowledge of budget
State expecting 8.2% loss in general fund due to virus (Source from 6/11)
$382M in CARES funding, 300 to counties, $75M for nutrition (Source from 7/6)
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Expecting to replace lost state funding for public schools with CARES Act funding
Waiting until next month to review budget
(Source from 6/15)
K12 schools usually underfunded, funding currently under debate (Source from 7/22)
South Carolina
South Dakota
K12 funding is exempt from 5% budget cuts ordered by Gov. Abbott
During recession, low income schools hurt worst by cuts, policy advocates don’t want same outcome
(Source from 6/18)
Districts won’t get additional money from Coronavirus Relief Funds, money will go towards state to recoup losses from 19-20 school year
(Source from 6/11)
Using $200M in CARES Act funding for e-learning and internet (Source from 7/17)
Approved $300M budget (including $9M in education), then began 6-week recess (Source from 6/17)
West Virginia
High costs involved switching students to online learning
High # of children in foster care due to Opioid crisis (Source from 6/25)
Gov. Justice said enough cash on-hand to make it to end of June, more info in July
(Source from 6/22)
Defunded Dept. of Ed by $2M to balance budget, state ended with surplus (Source from 6/30)
Gov. Gordon expecting education budget to lose $500M
(Source from 6/16)
Education budget is $1.7B
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